What have you learned from audience feedback?

<div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”https://www.slideshare.net/aneeka32/question-3-33407006&#8243; title=”Question 3″ target=”_blank”>Question 3</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”http://www.slideshare.net/aneeka32&#8243; target=”_blank”>aneeka32</a></strong> </div>



Audience for my poster

Target audience for the poster
• The target audience for my poster will be young teenagers with the age range of 12-18.
The comedy genre can have a mass audience I choose this particular range as I find it fits my poster best. This is because of the facial expressions the characters have. They have very comic facial expressions rather than serious ones. Also the fact that there is one on the poster full length and the other character is not also shows the comic side. This also highlights the personality of the characters that they like to have a laugh and are not serious about things.
My short film targets both boys and girls of that particular age range as I have a cartoon cupcake. The fact that it is cartoon suggest again that’s not everything is serious and they are just having a bit of a laugh. Also the fact that it is a cake it represents that it is someone’s birthday and everyone gets excited for their birthday, therefore my target audience will be both boys and girls.