Film Theory: Comedy

Martin-  The Psychology of Humor.

Martin says that incongruity is the activation of two different schemas simultaneously to satisfy one idea . This simultaneous activation is the incongruity and what causes the humor.

In the movie Duck Soup, there are  instances that cause the audience to entertain two different ideas at the same time. For example, in the scene when Trentino meets with Chicolini & Pinkie to see what they found out about Firefly, there are puns and visual plays on words that are incongruous and therefore, humorous, like when Trentino asks the spies if they think that they can trap Firefly and Pinkie hands over a mousetrap.

Humor In Men and Women

Rod Martin states that there is a significant difference in the way men and women use humor because of their different conversational goals. On one d, for women the primary goal of a friendly conversation is intimacy and on the other for men the goal is positive self-presentation. These different goals are reflected in the ways men and women use humor.

When men watch Dillon in TSAM, they find his character extremely amusing because he is brash, stupid and basically only wants Mary to have relations with her. He jokes about sex, belittles mentally challenged people. Mary is a lady and the femal audience finds Mary funny because she uses female humor. She is mildly nerdy, dorky and jokes around with her appearance and body language; however, she nothing Dillon always stays within the female relm. In contrast, when a woman character takes on the male role of humor it does not have the effect of humor, in fact it is not funny at all. Therefore it is true that humor achieves gender-relevant social goals.


Semantic script

Semantic script theory suggests that all content of a joke, except the punch line, works as a script. Upon hearing this “set-up”, a script of how the story would normally go is activated in one’s mind based on one’s knowledge and experience. The punch line presents a completely different perception of the event, therefore creating another script, leaving out a semantic distance between the two scripts. It is the simultaneous realization of this semantic distance that creates humor. This theory fits perfectly well into our familiar scene from Dr. Strangelove.

Mandrake has figured out the recall code for all the bombers, and needs to make a phone call to the president. With all the phone lines destroyed, his only choice is to use the phone box. In desperate need for some change in order to save the world, he asks Colonel Bat to shoot the coca-cola machine, and Bat answers: No. It is private property!

Some jokes have their punch line as an unusual perception that requires time for people to make sense of it. However, in our case, both the importance of stopping nuclear bombs and coca-cola machine as a private property are straightforward notions, but one would never put them together.

Relief theory

Relief theory maintains that laughter is a homeostatic mechanism, which psychological tension is reduced. Humor therefore for example serve to facilitate relief of the tension caused by someone’s fears. Laughter, according to relief theory, result from this release of nervous energy. Humor, according to relief theory, is used mainly to overcome sociocultural inhibitions and reveal suppressed desires. It is believed that this is the reason we laugh whilst being tickled, due to a build up of tension as the tickler “strikes”


Editing in Comedy films

Comedy, as is often said, is all in the timing.  You want to cut lean – no lingering on frames – but sometimes you want to get the moment, “cut around the horn” people call it. This means you extend “the laugh” (audience’s enjoyment of the scene) by cutting to people’s reactions – maybe even the dog’s. Just think of how a pie-throwing scene builds. A classic example occurs toward the end of the deli scene in When Harry Met Sally.


The shot-reverse-shot sequence (for example, a person is shown observing something, then a reverse angle shot reveals the object being looked at, and finally a return to the person observing) is one of the most powerful and frequently used building blocks of film storytelling. When a character in a comedy says or does something funny, the film cuts to a reaction from another character, and then returns to the first character.


Sometimes it pays to let the audience know a key piece of information first. Hitchcock mastered this principle for suspenseful effect: By showing viewers important information (for example, a ticking time bomb) before his characters found out, he created a feeling of tension in the audience. Action and horror films today rely on this time-tested technique; when the killer is in the house and you find yourself screaming at the screen because the character is clueless.


Mise- en- scene in Comedy films

  • There are a variety of different setting used within the Ted trailer such as the Christmas setting, the city view, the car shop, the aquarium and the grocery store. A vast majority of locations have been chosen to create connections with the audience as these locations will be recognizable with the target audience making the film more relatable. The costumes used are again every day to day costumes to add the realistic nature of this film.




Within a comedy film isn’t as important as it doesn’t really set the scene, however the costume of people in comedy films are usually casually dressed. I think this is to show that the person is quite natural and also to show that they don’t really see themselves as taking anything seriously.

In a comedy there are often many props used to fit with the situation in which the comedy is based around, for example in K&P, Go Large there are props such as records, magazines, and everyday items in which could cause situations to be awkward or comical. There are many locations in which a comedy could be set, however in this genre of film they are often set in cities or towns to be realistic. In Kevin and Perry ‘Go Large’ for example they are going on holiday abroad from the typical home and expecting a change. So there would be a variation of locations in this type of film to show a change of environment.

kp kp1 kp2

Sound in Comedy films

The main forms and conventions used in comedy films are the dialogue and also the characters. The comedy film in which I found is ‘Kevin and Perry, Go Large’. Music In comedies music is used in order to set the scene and also to exaggerate what is happening in the movie at that time depending on the situation, characters, language and everyday life.

The dialogue in this type of film often is used to show the general personality of those in the film. In the movie ‘Kevin and Perry, Go Large’ the dialogue is used in order to explain the character and show the stereotype of the sort of character as a teenager. The dialogue is used to show the comical story and explain the plot in a way in which is amusing to the audience.

Sounds in this type of film would be the use of laughter and dialogue in order to clearly portray the comedy correctly and show what is happening in a way in which appeals to the audience. However, sound effects are also used in comedy films for example in ‘Go Large’ when they are in the sea a sound effect is used for when one of the characters runs out of the pool.

There is use of voice over used for this film trailer, a key feature used in comedy films. There is also non diegetic sound used throughout the trailer, whether that be the “magical” sound or upbeat and up tempo music. This music cuts out through when a funny memorable part of the trailer is shown for a bigger comical impact on the audience. There is also use on stings when the non diegetic music is cut out to emphasize the comedy within that shot.

Camerawork In Comedy Films

The Hangover

• This is the opening scene of the film Hangover

• There aren’t many camera shots in this clip

•The shot with the male in,  is a long shot as it also shows the people behind him.

• The shot with the girl in, is a Flat-angle Mid-shot which just attempts to focus on the girl and what she is saying

• The guy is in clothing that is dirty and his face looks as if he has been in a fight

• The woman is being dressed up for a wedding and is all clean which shows a contrast in characters

Super bad

• The opening scene is a back and forth conversation between two people on the phone

• One of them is filmed in a mid angle shot that concentrates on his face from the side as he is in a moving car. The other is filmed in a Long angle shot. It is in a long shot to show where he is set.

• There is a contrast in the shots used as one concentrates on the guys face and his facial expressions whereas the other concentrates on the characters surrounding

Shaun of The Dead

• The opening scene consists of many clips that constantly change after around 5 seconds

• The opening scene tries to emulate normal people who are looking tired and they therefore look like zombies which is the base of the film

• The clips all consist of long shots with the camera just panning across the characters